Policy Science Professionals
Cupola Policy & Strategy is a Calgary-based policy services firm. Founded in 2020, Cupola supports clients in the prairies and across Canada.
We offer business and organizations a full range of policy services supporting government relations, Indigenous relations, and regulatory affairs. We have worked with every level of government, senior leaders in the private sector, and academic & Traditional wisdom authorities. Cupola is serious about using knowledge & experience to help clients understand policy, influence outcomes, and secure change decision-makers, bodies, and the public record.
Industry & Sectoral Policy Services
Energy | Labour | Land | Logistics
Member Associations Policy Support
Professional Associations | Legions & Veterans Groups | Organized Labour & Unions
Issue Campaigns & Policy Dislodgement
Platform development & positioning | public affairs packaging | partisan. third party, non-aligned, & ad hoc
Project Management, Evaluation, & Reporting
Grant scoping, & submission | Project delivery | Multi-stage monitoring & evaluation | Internal & External Reprt Developmen